Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little 
935 Middlefield Rd. 
Palo Alto Ca 94301-3395
Aug 12/92   Phone (415)321-7992

Dear Fellow Lions:

Our banquet at Holiday Inn was very
enjoyable.   Our 50 year anniversary and the record of our
work was indeed something to be proud of.    I enjoyed seeing
long time members and new ones.  Also their wives or friends.

At one time I would ask people,"How will our country do over
the next l0 years?"   I no longer ask.  Most People appear
concerned with NOW.

I still worry however, about the long time future.  I note
that most all the waiters appear to be recent arrivals, from
a non European country.   Our schools talk college and being
middle class.   Middle class people appear to create a demand
for people to do menial work.    This creates a vacuum that
draws in people to do this work.

Every year there is an increase in the percentage of people
eating in restaurants.   Many people just never cook at home.
There is much talk about health insurance.   It might better
be called sickness insurance.   Even when people eat at home,
it is often junk food or T.V. dinners.

It is my feeling that most illness is caused by the way
people live.   This includes our family and friends and the
community where we live, and our work place.   Of course the
polluted air and water and the pesticides add deeply to the
burden.   This is a time of fear, which is not healthful.
Sometimes I wonder if unhappiness is the great disease.

In the meantime I am happy to be alive and living in Palo
Alto.    I eat well.   I have people helping me.  I make the
most of simple joys.    I avoid anger and self pity.

May all of you have good food and pleasant situations at home
and at work.
