Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Ca 94301-3395

Dear Katy:

Recently you asked me if cancer was caused by
stress.   Stress is certainly one of the factors.
However,things are not that simple.    Recently, I have been
thinking of the term TOTAL IMPACT.    This includes the

1. The genes.  The way we were put together.  This includes
mutations    I sometimes call it the GEAR RATIO.

2.The various cultural and environmental imprints that we
have been exposed to. Good, bad or ghastly.

3. The actual reality.    We are part of nature.   Every
other creature in nature is dependant on instinct and yet is
also a prisoner.    If one were born a turtle one must always
be a turtle.  And only have about one chance in 100 of

We as humans are the supreme group mammals.   We do not  have
to struggle like a new born turtle.    We are born quite
helpless and fragile.    The odds are that we will be breast
fed and protected and taught by our mother and other members
of the family and the group on which their long term survival

The late Sir Julian Huxley claimed that at  one time all
humanity was made up of countless small groups.   The groups
with the better cultural plans tended to survive.

A good survival plan is where the group imprints a set of
values to each new  generation.   Each generation can improve
on the achievements of the past.    With the advent of
language and the printed word the possibilities are glorious.
However , knowledge is power. and power without morality can
be dismal.

4. The good news.     Almost all our troubles are man made
and can be solved by mankind.   There is no longer much
excuse for ignorance.    The knowledge is available to
start protecting the planet making life more pleasant for
any cooperative groups of people.

5. What can You and John do about it?   Plenty.   I will
attempt to outline a plan that might appeal to you and your
families and be worth imprinting on your children and so on.