Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road  
Palo Alto California 94301-3395

Aug 24/89

Dear Henry:

 I bought new envelopes from the company that makes
my bank checks.   Price looked right.  But do  like the print
style that I picked?   I bought l000.    That should last
only l0 years.   When I can reconsider.   How do you like
them?    Childish qyestion.

CAR    Insurance.

The insurance companies want to charge HIGH RISK DRIVERS,
$1,500. a year.    The Hispanics are annoyed.   In the
news, one gets the impression, that Spanish named drivers
have more frightful accidents than the average.

Possibly, millions of people, will never be capable of
handling modern toys like cars, or  dealing with what is
called modern society.   Or is it modern chaos?

 Nice day.  The sun shines on everyone.  Deserve it or not.