Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Sunday   Dec 1/90

Dear Crystal:

It is 3.00 PM. The sun shining.  However, we are
short of rain.

Viola tells me that you are learning the names of some
of the birds.   They come to the bird feeder.   All your
life you will enjoy watching and thinking about the birds.
They have beauty and some have songs of beauty.   Their
flying ability is quite a miracle.

Viola tells me that she plans to build bird houses including
a Martin House.  I have always wanted to build one.

It gives me great joy that you are such an eager learner.
All through nature  the young learn from older ones.
Children can learn from other children  who are good learners
and have kindliness of spirit like you.  And also good
examples from whom to learn.

We can learn a lot about ourselves just by studying
nature   As humans, we too are part of nature.
We should appreciate and protect our beautiful planet.

I think of you a lot.  I look  forward to seeing you.

with love from Grandpa Bob.

Dear Viola:

I enjoyed you letter and the one before.

I will not talk about the world and national affairs.  You
are on the sane planet.   However, there are rays of hope.
My time and energy wastes away.   But I am still working on a
long tape recording for Crystal and others.
