Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


March 22/l992  

Dear Emily:

Happy to get your letter and your picture.   Also
news of your activities and the one dollar bill.  I will save
it.  I inclose one for you.

I am writing this on my computer.  It is a great joy to me.
Someday, you will have one.  In the meantime, become a good typist.  That is half the battle.

I am still handicapped by an injured left knee.  So I depend
a lot on a walker or wheelchair.  However, I am happy to be

I have helpers.  Mrs Nellie Willett, my next door neighbor,
gets my groceries and  other things.  Jane Wheeler, an
attractive young women about age 4O or so, recently came to help.  Wednesdays and Fridays, 3.00 PM to 6.3O Pm.  She can help in many ways including driving. 

Mr. Chas Russ Perkins in his sixties, is a great fixer of all
things, such as electrical  electronic and wood working.
He comes in a big van, which was an ambulance.   If we go
somewhere, he drives my car.

Patsy Gardner will come once a week.  She is smart with
computer programing.

Laura Cox will come for typing or driving.   No housework.
Today we went to Town & Country shopping center.  Much
traffic.  An orchid festival was in progress.  Orchids
all over and lots of people. Mostly well dressed and
prosperous looking.