Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Voice of the Enemy.

Until about 70 years ago, if one heard a human voice, the
speaker was within earshot.   Mostly it was someone that you
knew or was close by.   On a farm, there were few loud noises
outside of nature.   One could hear the birds and see the
stars.  In spring and fall, one could hear the large
migrating flocks of Canada Geese.    They became part of ones

Today, most babies are born into a noisy world.
If the child is fortunate enough to be born into a family
with a sustained cultural tradition it may be imprinted with
a set of values that are helpful to themselves and others and
are worth passing on to their children.

To millions of children, this does not happen.   They may be
exposed to the voice of the enemy while still very young.
The ideal situation is where the parents and family have
control of the child until he or she is about age 7 or 8.
It is best if the children and parents are in close contact
with people of similar values.  Civilized grandparents can be
a blessing.  I have told hundreds of girls to learn timeless
knowledge so that they can talk to their grand children.
Avoid filling their minds with the day to day trivia of

If a child enters the school system at age 7 or older they
may have a set of cultural values that enable them to ignore
the voice of the enemy.    They should be able to think and
speak like an adult.   They will then be able to feel at home
with cultured people of any age.
With what enemy voices am I most concerned?    It would be a
long list but I will mention some.

(I) Recently I have been using the term TOTAL IMPACT.
thousands of voices on T.V.  Most of them are trying to
dominate our minds.    So many of them tell us to keep our
children in school and go to college so that they can avoid
having to earn a living with their hands.  It is considered
menial work. I call this the SLAVE OWNER ATTITUDE.
for the basis of human survival is based on so called menial

2. The effect of the TOTAL IMPACT on the individual is to
damage our humanness.    Today, a child is seldom imprinted
with the cultural values handed down from the past.   In
theory, the schools and television, could imprint a set of
values better than anything in the past.   This is not

3. What can an individual do about the increasing ignorance &
crime and other violence?    Possible not much but  we should
all keep  trying.

What do I try to do?.  

[1]  I pretend that I live in a fine
village.  When I go shopping, I am always in the village.
I treat the clerks or waitresses as if they lived in my
village.  I avoid bargain hunting.   I thank the clerks or
cashiers for the merchandise.   One time I bought a
beautiful shirt from BIG E.   When I thanked the lady who
sold it. she replied.   "We are glad to sell them." I said to
her.  "I cannot  make a shirt and I am grateful that you have
made it available."   I call this good radar. Bargain
hunters may develop bad radar.

[2] It is important for ones mental stability to have a sense
of duty.   As a physician, I have a sense of duty.   I was
brought up with a sense of obligation to the past.   For the
ones who sacrificed so that a good life could be possible for
millions.  It is my duty to protect any good things created
by others and to protect the speck of land that I live on.
To this end. I practice organic gardening.   I raise
wonderful fruit in my small back yard. a lemon bush that
provides me with several hundred lemons each year . It is
just outside the kitchen door  A big Santa Rosa plum, Fuyu
persimmon,  a delightful black fig tree.   In the fall, I
gorge on them.  I let the birds have some.    I have a young
apricot tree.  It has about  300 apricots which should be
ripe in a week.  The apricots available in the stores are
seldom worth eating.   Mine are delightful.

I bury my garbage in little pot holes around the fruit trees.
I add some organic nitrogen in a watering can.  I eat about a
8 or l0 eggs a week.  The egg shells must be good for the

Thrift.  When shopping, I use a shopping box, this saves
bags.  I take some bags with me.  I use them over and over.
I have written an article about how I avoid creating garbage.
This is part of my desire to create a SOCIAL SURPLUS.
Collectively, most places in the world are making a SOCIAL


I have very little to recycle.  I have not bought
anything in  an aluminum can for 30 years.    No soda pop, no
beer.  Very little in bottles.  No apple juice, no grape
juice etc.   No wine. (I understand that modern wine contains
a variety of chemicals.   I tell people that if I gave up car
driving I would try a little drink.  Now I am afraid of the

Few cans.   I drink V.8.  Occasionally a can of soup.
Never canned vegetables.   I use some frozen vegetables.
Skip the T.V. Dinners.    I sin a little with my diet.
Lady Eve Balfour of the SOIL ASSOCIATION says it is alright
to sin up to l5%.   Gives one a nice guilty feeling.

 To many, my life would seem grim, but I eat the best
food I can find and lots of it.  I avoid coffee because life
is too stimulating as it is.     I do not get fat.   My
cholesterol is quite low.

I consider it a duty, not to become a burden on society
and to avoid damaging our lovely planet.   I have a kindly
attitude towards the countless other forms of life upon which
we all depend.    As Jesus said,(DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND
PEOPLE.)   I avoid a saintly attitude.  I try to be sensible
and maintain a sense of worthiness.   I appreciate my long
time in this beautiful but troubled world.

March 4/9O.

I have given much thought to the above article.
Possibly the sins of omission are the greatest fault of the
voice of the enemy.

Example l.  Russia,  under Joseph Stalin killed about l8
million of their most creative citizens.    This included
several million Ukrainian farmers.  The ones who owned land
and livestock.   Any who had hired help.    The Russians have
been hungry ever since.      They damaged the fabric of

Example 2.  China.    The communists under Mao Tse-tung
killed about 50 or 60 million of their leading people.
Owning land could be an excuse for killing.    The children
of aristocrats and intellectuals, were sent to work as
peasants.  They had little chance to go to college.    The
sons of the workers were favored.

The worrisome question:   Do nations recover from such
slaughters?  Possibly never.  The world still has scars
from the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, The Spanish
Conquerors who destroyed the native Indian cultures with such
cruel greed.  The wealth extracted from the new world made
Spain rich and powerful.   The power had a corrupting effect.
The power was wasted with many sad results.    And of course
let us never forget the wars of this century.   If we are not
aware of the mistakes of the past we may repeat them.

Much of the  talk I hear today might be called the Final
Madness.  In another article I will summarize my thoughts
about this.

Most of our troubles appear related to human actions or lack
of action.  It should be a time of optimism for never was
knowledge more available or worldwide communication such a
miracle.  Airplanes, satellites, telephones, Fax machines
television etc. is all relatively new.    There has never
been such an opportunity for world peace.

I am still hopeful.   if enough of us resist the voice of
the enemy, everything could change.   It is happening now
but not fast enough.
