Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Dec 28/88

Dear Henry:

You tell me that in Finland Christmas dinners are
held on Christmas Eve. When I talked to you by telephone,
there appeared to be many good things happening to you and
your family, however you too will be deeply affected by
various world horrors.

The bomb that destroyed the 747, flight l03 at 31,000 feet,
numbs the mind. The small Scottish city of Lockerbie
shared the tragedy. Her people responded well. So many
people responded with kindness and efficiency.

We have not yet gotten over the shock of the earthquake in
the Russian Province of Armenia. We do not know why the
city was so crowded and why building codes had been ignored.
Was it the local officials or higher up.

In Finland, people are rightly upset about the damage to
Northern Finland and Lapland from the Russian Nuclear power
plant disaster.The effects are expected to last a long

Jan 1/89 

December could be called a month of doom.
Television and various publications are telling us that the
world's natural resources are being destroyed and the
population exploding. Violence is a fearful thing. This
affects the health of billions. The financial happenings
give one a sickening feeling. The sad part is that most of
the bad things were predictable and largely avoidable.

An example.  In the news, we are told that when the
government  finishes bailing out the Saving & Loan industry,
the tax payers will be holding the bag for possibly l00
billion dollars.   It is difficult to think that big.
It would be the equivalent of l.000,000 homes worth $l00,000
each.  That too is staggering.  What happened?