Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July 6/90

People, living alone, need help around the house.
Presently. being handicapped, there are many things that I
cannot handle.

1.  Burying the garbage.  This is good for the land and
avoids having smelly  garbage hanging around for a week.

2.  To decompose, the garbage needs nitrogen.    As a peasant,
I sprinkle some  Homo Sapiens Urea Nitrogen. over the

3.  The garbage is picked up early Monday mornings.
There is a new system , just started.
(I will show you the instructions.)

4.  Some house cleaning.

5.  Old newspapers need to be tied up and also put out Monday
morning. They are actually put out the day before.

6.  Old people usually need someone to help with the cooking.
I am not in shape to cook for someone. Kitchen
privileges or bed and breakfast might be better.

7.  In the morning I need someone to bring in the paper or
papers. When I had the delivery person toss it onto the
porch, they banged up the screen.

8.   I have not been business-like.   We can talk it over.

9.  Regarding the garbage. I will put out a can of waste
paper.  It should be labeled. Nelly puts out her soft
garbage in plastic bags, in some kind of container.
This is the stuff that I bury.  I could do the same.

10.  I plan to use a cart to carry the stuff out front.