Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Dear Friends:

I deeply appreciate your celebration of my
Birthday on Tuesday Aug 15/89. I was born on Aug 14 th, a
long time ago.  Napoleon was born on Aug l5 but he came
to a bad end. My sign is Leo the Lion. I believe in the
our greatest heros and make the world better to live in.

I went to the Lions Club. I gave the President an icecream
bar and one to a lady. Guess who ate the third one. Me.
The balloons, I gave to the speaker. He has young children
at home. The beautiful flowers are on my dining room table.

The speaker was a young man who said he became a millionaire
in the stock market. He told us how to do the same. One
cannot eat money. He looked too skinny to me. He did not
look happy. Being rich can bring worries. Once , one is
rich, the wife gets her own Cadillac and does not enjoy being
in the kitchen.

I hope all of you make enough to be comfortable. And eat
well. That is the way to keep your looks. Happiness may
be the most important factor in health. So I hope that all
of you get enough happiness to sustain you.

You were good singers. You gave me great joy. I love the
store and I love you girls and the handsome young fellow.
Make sure that he avoids the junk food.

I had a dinner party on Sunday Aug l3/89. I hired a
cook, sight unseen. She had an ad. in the P.A.Weekly.
Her name is Kara. Age 22. Quite a gracious person.
There were eight of us. Kara washed all the dishes.

On Saturday, I bought a 6 l/2 lb. salmon at the Farmers
Market. It was too big for my beloved convection oven,
so I cut it into two pieces. One big and one small.
I used two pans. For dessert, We had pound cake with
icecream. Four flavors. Served with slices of ripe bananas.
I feel guilty about the icecream. I threw out more than
a quart the next day. I had eaten my share.

Thank you again for the celebration, the gifts & the singing.
I will still keep talking about your health & happiness.

Robert Little