Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Aug 2/9l

Dear Joyce.

I spoke to Jay this morning. I am so happy
that the operation was successful. I enjoyed our
conversation. He must be greatly relieved about the

I promised to send you some of my articles. I have
hesitated because they do not sound cheerful enough for most
people. However I think Jay will appreciate them.

Jay tells me that you are in good shape. Hope you stay fit
for a long long time.

I have been under extra stress recently. No surrender.
I realize that most people here and everywhere lead stressful
lives. So I avoid self pity.

I look forward to seeing you and jay.

Wishing you and Jay, good health, good friends and happy


August 2/91

Dear Jay:

So happy that that worrisome surgery turned out
well.  Even just thinking about it was stressful.

Reading history, gives one the impression that things on the
planet have been mostly stressful with brief periods of
quietness getting ready for the next war. One hopeful
thing is the great availability of knowledge , even though
the news media do their best to distort it.

I was shocked about the poison in the Sacramento River and
Lake Shasta. What bothered me most was that the T.V.
people did not ask, "Why this frightful poison?" I would
have been used to poison our farm lands, but why did they not
scream about it? They eat food too.

Tomorrow, at 8.30 AM. John may main handyman will show up.
We will go to the farmers market to buy some wonderful
salmon. Also tomatos, walnuts etc.

The fisherman , has his own fishing boat. He brings it up
from Half Moon Bay. There may be a long line up. He
sells out and goes home.

One of the joys of old age is good food and a good appetite.
That's me.  I also like watching Baseball. Only the local
teams. They are like a culture. They have definite rules.
While , what we call society, has most given up rules.
A famous French philosopher, stated that the Joy of the young
is to disobey the rules, but today there are no rules.

I will send a couple of articles under separate cover.

Wishing you good health and some sort of activity that
satisfies you soul. (Hope you write a book someday.)

With admiration and friendship.