Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Dec 25/90

Dear Kathleen & John:

Thank you for your Christmas card and letter.

We  must be about 5000 miles apart. We are on the same
planet. The planet is neutral but collectively, we the
people are not harmonizing with the balance of nature.

My main interest in life has been conservation.
Along with countless other people, I struggle to preserve
our beautiful planet. Win or lose, I believe I am
fighting the right battles. I try to do it joyfully.
Under separate cover I will send you some things that I have
written.  Give my best wishes to David. I liked him, he
is bright and has spirit.

Elizabeth, my late brother Henry's daughter is taking a
degree at Davis college.  One hundred and ten miles inland
from here. An agricultural center.   She drove down
yesterday.  We had dinner here and then today. we drove to a
fine restaurant a few miles away and had a fine dinner.
She has not been eating well enough.  I gave her a lot of
advice about the Reynolds tradition of plentiful eating of
good food.

Mary, (Mrs. Ronald Martin ) Henry's other daughter, is
married to a farmer.  They milk 50 cows a day. Work, work,
work.  Four children. Chester, Robert. Emily and Sarah.

You may remember Henry O. Little, son of my late brother
We had dinner in your home when you still lived in London.
Wonderful visit. Henry lives in Finland.  He is in the
coffee business.  He invented a machine that automatically
grinds and brews the coffee. He buys the machine then puts
in the brains.  He sells high grade coffee and  flavored
coffee. Henry and his wife Leila spent a week in England
this summer.  They visited a small company that makes the
worlds best packaging machine.  {They sell the flavored
coffee in small packages.  It is selling well.}

He now lives in Turku. A daughter, Helena age 9 and a
son William. about 6. They are both bigger than the
average Finish child.  Helena, very intense and intelligent
Willie is also intelligent and very clever with his hands.
Spends a lot of time with his father at the coffee roasting

This began as short note.  I am doing this on my
computer which I love.

With friendship and admiration from your cousin Robert.