Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little  
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto  Ca 943Ol-3395 

February 25/9l

Guests for Sunday Dinner.

Yesterday, A niece, Elizabeth and her son Seth, drove from
Davis Ca.  I considered cooking a leg of lamb.   Decided it
would be more fun to eat out.

Elizabeth brought me asparagus from her garden allotment.  It
is l5 by 50 feet.  She has great plans.  The asparagus
was already sprouting.   The allotments are assigned from a
large field....   No pesticides or chemical fertilizers
permitted.   The oriental students are happy with the idea.

We ate at the SIZZLER.  We enjoyed the dinner and salad bar.
All of us ate heartily.  What did we talk about?
A lot about Elizabeth,s new garden and good food..

l. What should a young person learn?
My main theme was that smartness in itself was not enough,
As the twig is bent, the tree grows.   So first we should
establish good habits.   Pachacuti, the great INCA emperor
had all his subjects greet each other by saying.   DON'T LIE.
DON'T STEAL. DON'T BE LAZY. Everyone should automatically
act like a decent human.  We should not need a police
person watching us.

2. The news media often say, that one does not need to
memorize.   One can just look it up when needed.  We all need
some basic knowledge and skills. The experts tell us that
our memories are what we are.  We should fill our memory
banks with good stuff and mix with people who help us do just

#.  My thoughts about eating out most of the time , which is
common today.   People seem to love it but I do not consider
it good for long time health.  It also fosters the SLAVE
OWNER ATTITUDE.  Why should we have others wait on us,
just because we have the money.  Free lunches are even

When I was young practically every family did their own
cooking. The demand for cheap labor creates a vacuum.
People are pouring in from other areas which may have
oppressive life styles which has led to hunger etc.

However, if eating out part of the time, adds to sociability.
I am all for it. (Not with junk food and alcohol.)

They work hard at first but in the long run they want
to be what we call middle class citizens and have others wait
on them

The Sizzler, is mostly self service.   As one enters, one
faces a wall where the various dinners are displayed with
back lighting.   After you choose, the young lady puts your
order on a tray.  Passes it to the cashier.   In our case we
were given a tray with three plates.  Each plate means one
dinner.  Later your dinner is brought to the table.  We
paid extra for access to the salad bar.

I enjoyed the whole affair.   The three of us had a happy
