Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little (415)321-7992
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto  Ca 9430lFeb l9/9l


When I was young, I was repeated told that the main part of
my environment was other people.  A civilized person,
avoids disturbing their neighbors.

In Western Canada, at the time, quietness was easy to come by
Today, noise is a dreadful tyrant.  What does it do to
us.  I suspect that it damages our nervous systems.
Possibly. many people, numb tbeir minds with noise.    as far
as our brain is concerned , it may be like being hit on the
head with a mallet.

From my observations, I consider it likely that people born
with sharp vision, sharp hearing and sensitive nervous
systems, like a race horse, never adapt to the noise.
This is a loss to society.