Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little M.D. 
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Ca 943Ol-3395

State Senator Becky Morgan
R.Los Altos Hills

Dear Senator Morgan:

There is a headline in the Times Tribune

I like your sense of reality. Most people just say , cut
down on armaments and soak the rich.

You state that it costs the State $25,OOO. a year to keep
a person in jail and much of this cost is due to lawsuits
against the State for treatment of prisoners.

I admire your work as a Senator.  The outlook is dismal.
I am working on a book in which I offer solutions for local
and world problems. (Mostly unpopular.)

Wishing you good health, long life and the joy of
working for great causes.



May 21/9l

Dear Senator Morgan..

Shortly after dictating the
above letter there was an article in the paper quoting
abusive letters from young children addressed to you and
other government officials.  A grim affair.

Society may be breaking down. The impact of schools,
television and other forms of amplified sounds may be
damaging our children and possibly all of us.


1. Start schooling at age 7 1/2 or 8 years.

2.  Before that age it might be called DAY CARE.

3. With immigrant children who do not speak English or their
native tongue very well. I suggest classes for parents
with their children.   They could attain skill in verbal
communication through Tape recording, VCRs and especially
singing together.  They would sing their native songs as well as American.

They could memorize significant poetry and songs along
with selections from Shakespeare etc.  They could develop
hand skills by simple assembly work or sewing and typing

Children should not attend public school classes unless
they and their parents show a reasonable interest in
improving their verbal and hand skills.

The school districts would need to show deep interest and
provide modern tools that I have outlined above.

Many American pupils just fool around in school.  No country
provides a longer learning time. Millions of children
around the world are not given time to learn.  If our young
people fritter this precious time away, it is tragic for them
and indirectly for all of us.

For most of my life I have been concerned with the long term
survival of the individual and society. Through Teaching
what I call the ANCIENT WISDOM I have helped countless

In the book that I plan to publish, I expect to help many
more and possibly society.

Yours Sincerely
Robert H. Little M.D.