Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


NOV 23/88


Like millions of fellow citizens and people all over the
world I ask the question, what can a new president do to
significantly lessen the main problems that presently face
humanity? Possibly very little.

The public here, have not been offered solutions that relieve
my fears. The news media mostly suggest raising taxes and
throwing more money at the problems.

If our elected representatives offer meaningful solutions,
they can stir up various vested interests and factions.

There is a long list of problems. One that needs more
attention is the damage being done to our farm lands.  Much
of it permanently.  What  is happening in other countries
is often more dreadful.

I am disturbed with all the problems but one that gives me
deep anguish is to read about runaway girls in their teens
who appear to have learned no useful skills while at school.