Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Dec 13/91


This a sequel to REALITY.   I thought of calling it
(How to maintain a reasonable level of Sanity.)
This is not easy.   It almost appears, that all over the
world, the mass of people are crazy.  Plenty of
demonstrations in history.

Today: l, Billions of people are demanding a better way of
life. They want careers. They do not want JUSTICE. They
want special privilege.

2.I had planned to make a list of some of the crazy actions
and demands.   But I do not need a list,  just listen to
television. There is a variety of interesting and
educational sometimes fascinating.  But they  try to bombast
the minds of all of us and may dominate our thinking.
The underlying philosophy of television never changes.
They may repeat the same falsehoods over and over, hundreds
of times.  Much of it is just plain garbage.

Our minds resemble computers.  Garbage in, garbage out.
How can we prevent our memory banks from being cluttered with
garbage?.  I talked to hundreds of veterans about this when
I head of the EENT Dept.

For many years, I have been telling people, how to keep the
garbage out?.  I did this because of my belief in

Paul the apostle talks about this in a letter to the
Corinthians.  I wrote an article about it.  I call it the
Jesus plan.  It is more helpful than ever.  There is more

Thoughts about the present situation,

Dec 16/9l   

1. Presently there is not enough food produced
in the world to feed the existing population.  Yet in the
news media, so-called experts, talk about the world
population doubling.  No way! It will start
decreasing during the life time of most people living today.

2.   Quality of food?  Down hill. Chemical farming,
pesticides. big farm machines, big corporations have mostly
ignored quality.  The billions of dollars spent om farm
programs has done little to improve the quality of food

3.  Too may people choose to eat junk food.  It is the easy

4.  Too many people choose to follow a destructive life style.

5.   AIDS.  A breakdown in peoples resistance to disease may
have always been  a common cause of death.    Wars might be
called a disease caused by ignorance and greed.   Certainly,.
they are usually  destructive to our planet, so both sides
may have lost.+