Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395


MOST all living creatures live by instinct.  Humans probably
started that way but human groups that added a set of rules
that retained their basic instincts but modified them, could
improve on instinct (or make it worse) But these
modifications were not inherited but had to be imprinted on
succeeding generations.

It is usually called CULTURE. It means altering or twisting
the minds of people, especially the young.  Culture can be a
very powerful thing for good or evil. However, without a
creative cultural plan of some sort humanity can be in a sad

As I look around me and talk to people. Read a great deal of
history and watch some television I get the impression that
much political talk is a form of warfare. Various groups
try to force, what they call their cultural values on other

This puts me in a defensive state.  I am a W.A.S.P.   This
group is so often depicted as taking advantage of other
groups who often claim that they are underprivileged. I do
not feel that any group should be privileged.

The air I breath, the water I drink and the food I eat is
often contaminated. The food available to me may be
tasteless and hence lacks health value.

Someone must be teaching IGNORANCE.  So many people appear
ignorant. It is like being in a remote foreign country and
not knowing the language.

Many people have a sense of fear, even in their homes.
Driving a car in some areas is like playing RUSSIAN ROULETTE
It is exciting but stressful. +

What might be done   Here are some suggestions.