Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

June 6/91

The June 10/91 of Time Magazine is a good one.

1. The cover story in an essay by Lance Morrow.

Evil. Does it exist --- or do bad things just happen?.

He gives a Latin Proverb.  HOMO HOMONI LUPUS  Man is a wolf
to man. A favorite quotation of my mother was "Man's
inhumanity to man, makes countless thousands mourn".
This is a fascinating and thoughtful essay. He mentions
that evil is a positive tbing. Someone can be killed in a
split second.  Goodness is mostly negative. Day in day
out  we must fight the APE that is inside us. A group
of people, striving to maintain what they consider a decent
way of life must work together to support a set of rules
and cultural values that can be passed on from generation to

Culture is rather fragile.  It must be imprinted in the
young. I have written about this. See inclosed copies.

The evils that MORROW talks about are all man-made.