Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


March 22/88

Potential Power of Voluntary Institutions

The Lions club has always been active in local charities to
make their communities more livable.  37 000 clubs. It is
difficult to estimate their impact.

As life on earth slowly changed an individual could still
feel part of the action.  But today, the many rapid changes
have made it more difficult for individuals to adjust.
Many people that they

Each generation changed a bit but an individual could still
feel part of their action. Today millions of us feel that
powerful outside forces have too much control of their

The Lions clubs are part of a big organization that has
considerable social power. What can a local Lions club do.
This year I am president of the club. I presented a plan
where our club could encourage local citizens to think and
act in such a way, that it would be an example to other
groups to make our society more protective to each other and
to the environment that supports us.

The club set aside $4,000. to carry out the plan.
I inclose an outline of the plan.