Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July 31/92

Dear Bruce A. & Karlette J.Winters M.D.
l600 Creekside Drive,   Suite 3800
Folsom,  California 95630

Re. Mrs.Marie Yasui.  (George)

Dear Mr & Mrs. Winters.

I appreciate that you are taking care of Mrs Yasui.  
She is a very fine lady.  You will enjoy the relationship

I saw her first on March 22/68

    Vision OD. 20/25  Refraction, - 0.25 Sp. 20/20
    20/25  - 0.25 Sp  20/20
    Wears readers with add of +l.25
    Eyes white.  Corneas clear. Margins clear. 
    Anterior chambers clear.  Lenses clear. Pupils equal & regular.
    React to L & A.
    Extra ocular muscle movements normal.  Intra ocular eye
    pressure normal. R. l7  L. l7. (Schiotz)   Peripheral fields
    The optic discs do not show cupping but the disc margins
    slope down to a rather deep central area. The retinal vessels 
    appear normal.

Dec 20/77

    Refraction R.Plano Sp. 20/20
    L.Plano Sp. 20/20  add for near + 2.00 Sp
    Some trouble with close  work.
    corneas clear. Lenses clear.Optic discs have not chnaged. No
    cupping noted.  Retinal vessels appear normal.  Tangent
    screen normal.

Aug l7/79

Complains that a dark spot moves around the right field of
vision.  No pain.  Present 6 months.  Dilated right pupil.
Mydriacyl l%.  Small square floater near retina.
Full peripheral fields.  No change in appearance of optic
discs.    Muscle balance normal.   Depth perception
fair. 6/9. Media clear. Lenses clear.  Intra ocular pressure
OD. l6. OS. 14 1/2.  Refraction, OD. Plano 20/20  OS. Plano
20/20    add for near + 2.00.

Sept 4/1980.

Still has floater right eye. Does not change.


Eye findings are the same as last year.   She says
that she is taking medicine 3 times a week for hypertension.
It makes her sick

Sept 24/84.

July 11/83

No complaints.   Tension, OD. l6   OS l6.
Trouble seeing small print.  I increased the add to + 2.50

Sept 24/84

Refraction OD. Plano sphere. 20/20    add for near
OS,     ditto     20/20     + 2.50
Intra ocular pressure OD. l7    OS l7. Depth perception fair.
No change in appearance of optic discs.

Wishing both of you good health, long life and joy in your

I am rather old.  I injured my hip. I am not in active
practice presently.   I am mainly interested in prevention.
Hope to publish a book.

Robert H. Little M.D.