Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395
December l9/88

Dear Friends:

'tis the best of times and the worst of times.
(Charles Dickens) This a very exciting time to be alive.  I
am writing this on a computer.  The computer is a great joy
to me and must be to millions of others.  Television could
be the worlds greatest benefactor but it has been a mixed

The great sadness is not the frightful problems of the world
but the fact that most of them are soluble. The destruction
of farm lands and tropical forests is preventable.

The violence in our cities and highways is too much to bear.
Even  our schools have violence.  Sometimes modern society
appears to encourage violence.

What are my worries.  People my age are concerned about a
long illness where the doctors keep you alive until one ends
up destitute.

If I were a Thompsons gazelle in Africa, I would have no
problem. As soon as I slowed up the Cheetahs would settle
things. If a cheetah grows old and slows up, it starves to
death. There is a certain cruelty in nature but at least
they do no kill each other with poison gas.

In nature , there is not much choice. The gazelle eats
vegetation and the cheetah eats gazelles. At least they are
not lazy and they never apply for welfare.

I am happy to be a human even though many of my fellow humans
do not make me proud.

I regret that other forms of life must die that I may live.
I am very much against cruelty to the countless creatures
that sustain my survival.

May all of you have good health, some excitement and fun.
May you have good friendships. May you live in such a way
that you have good self esteem.

Wishing you good luck and good fortune.