Rock and Roll Bonfire and revelers That afternoon preparations begin for the big event. The gazebo (above) stands where the old Dogwood Lodge stood before it burned down in the 1980s. The inside of the gazebo occupies the exact footprint of the Lodge's living room. The Lodge's huge old fireplace still exists and is located inside the gazebo. The pile of ruble on the right is for the bonfire that will be lit after dark Some of these guys may look a little older but they still have some kick left. Here are the three Ledbetter boys - Roger (Hogdew), Harold and John (Harold's son)- along with Rick Stiengress and Cat Bubba Hayward, Marshal ("Uncle Marsh") Hagler and Bubba's wife Bart Gaston (Asa's kid), William Alford, and Roger Ledbetter (a/k/a "Hogdew") Bubba (Joe) Hayward Little and Van Slavie John Van Slavie, Rick Stiengress and Cat |