Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


High  on  the   Food  Chain.

Apparently all forms of nature are somewhere on this chain.
Healthy soil that produces good food is teeming with
primitive organisms.  It is humbling to me that my
well being depends on things like fungi in the soil.

It is exciting how one form of life depends on others.
Yesterday, in the paper, a questioner was advised on how to
kill yellow jackets.  In a farm magazine, there was a story
of a farmer whose neighbors were plagued with caterpillars
that formed nests that hung from the trees.  There were also
many nests of yellow jackets.  Young nephews, visiting,
destroyed the yellow jackets homes. They used air rifles.
Soon the farmer was harassed with caterpillars like his

I am hopeful, that more and more people will become aware of
their part in nature and be more cooperative with the
countless other forms of life on which we depend.

Appreciate being born high on the chain.  You and I and all
of us depend on what you and your friends do to the chain.