Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


F  E  A  R

Fear is a natural instinct.  We need it.  In raising
children they can learn  by trial and error.   Better if
the families demonstrate caution.

I am interested in FEAR from a health point of view.
at mealtime, if a family or group are eating happily together
there sympathetic nervous dominates.  More blood goes to
their digestive system and epithelium.  Their skin will be
more rosy and their eyes brighter.

If there is fear and anger, their  parasympathetic system may
be stimulated and blood is shunted to their defense

In countries that perpetuate tyranny, does it harm the health
of the people?   I think so.

In our own country, many inner city neighborhoods have
created centers of violence.   This has increased ill health.
Bad nutrition and poor life styles go along with it.

Today, most of us have reason to fear.  Big government, big
schools, big takeovers, increasing bureaucracy and violence
in the streets etc. etc.

This article is too short to explain deeply.   However, I
have helped many people who were being damaged by chronic
anger or hatred or fear.   I suggest how to overcome the
damage.   I have often been very successful.   However, with
present chaos, who can speak cheerfully?