Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July 2/88

Dr. Linus Pauling.

I had the privilage of listening to Dr. Linus Pauling
tonight at 7.00 Pm on the Malone show.  He talked of many
things including Vitamin C.

I take vitamin C powder as well as a tablet by Eli
Lilly Co. of B. Complex and Vitamin C.

I take vitamins and advise vitamins but always in
combination with a suitable life style.  No use giving
B.Complex and Vitamin C to an alcoholic.  It may make him
feel better so he then he drinks more.

I have had wonderful things happen with the use of
Lillys Becotin T. It is B. Complex and vitamin C.
I do not know which was the miracle worker.

Presently  I order Vitamin C powder along with the
Becotin . I also  suggest Cod Liver Oil.  Few people will
take it.  I never miss taking it. My brother,Henry O.Little
M.D. an ophthalmologist, practices in Hudson N.Y  He is a
great believer in COD LIVER OIL. For some years he has
imported it from Iceland.  He considers their product , the
best available.  He is also very much against smoking.
He imports two tons of Cod Liver Oil at a  time.  It comes in
litre cans.   His treatment has been very successful.

I began my practice in Hudson in l942. Later my brother
joined me. In l960 I came to Palo Alto with my sister.
For many years i was with the EENT dept of the V.A. Hospital.
This area is a world unto itself. The people here appear to
have special stresses.

Back East I rarely saw a patient who had become
nearsighted as a adult.  Here it was very common.  I began
to call it the California disease.