Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July 26/89


There is much talk about children and young  people being
subject to peer pressure. Today, this usually means an age
group.  But originally, our peers, meant the social or
cultural group to which we belonged.

At one time, most every child was born into some kind of
social group. The child would be subject to various social
pressures and the laws of nature.

The village leaders, along with the most lowly, shared to
some extent the success or failure or mediocrity of the
village.  Nature was neutral.  The  wages of sin was death.
It was still possible to live in reasonable harmony with

However, history is full of examples of war and pillage and
also examples of human decency and success.

The people around me are technically free, but  are often
afraid to walk the streets.  They have times of fear when
driving their cars.

I am not subject to peer pressure. But I cannot find a
dominant social group that is sacrificing to support a way of
life that might slow the destructive forces that are
destroying the good things in our country and the rest of the

I would gladly accept peer pressure from such a group. In
the  meantime I try to act in such a way, that I would be in
harmony with such people.