Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Oct l9/89

Dear Thelma:

I greatly appreciated your call today.   Your
voice came very clearly.

Regarding the earthquake.  We have been waiting for the big
one for years. There is talk of a bigger one coming.   We
shall wait for that too.  I have made up a little story of
how I am doing.  I will enclose a copy.

Love to you and Peter.


Oct l9/89

Dear Friends.

How am I doing?   Here is a glimpse.

We are all prisoners of time.   It keeps ticking.   I am also
a prisoner of the past.  My mother was age 39 when I was
born.  She imprinted me with the values of the Queen Victoria
era, so I was designed to live in the previous century.

Here I am in California.  Nature made this a pleasant place
to live.  However as people pour in from all over,  Nature
is taking a beating.  This is happening all over most of
the world but we are more vulnerable here because this has
never been an area of small towns with established

So what has happened and where are we heading.

1. Loss of a sense of community.  Humans are the supreme
group mammals.  As Mahatma Gandhi used to say. India is a
nation of villages.  If the villages are destroyed, India is
destroyed.  But this is true everywhere.

2.  The schools and colleges teach what I call the SLAVE
OWNER ATTITUDE.  Along with the politicians and churches and
the News Media, the young are urged to go to college so that
they will never have to work with their hands. But Humans
are the tool-using mammals. If they do not develop hand
skills when young, they may never acquire them.

3.  Segregation by age group.  Big schools are destructive to
the pupils and the teachers.  Out here there may be l000
pupils in one grade.  Like grains of sand.  Big schools
mean busing.  If there is busing to create racial mixtures it
may lead to tensions which resemble warfare.  Races can
work together but cultures do not mix easily.  On a baseball
team there may be a mix of players but they all must follow
the same  rules. Three strikes and you are out. But
baseball does not mix with football.