Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Lions club of Palo Alto. April 12/88

Red Ghan of Menlo Park Lions Club is a leader in the
drug awareness program*   His address is  957 Florence Lane
Menlo Park 94025.

This is the action.

April 23/88 - Drug Awareness Day at Stanford Shopping

May 7/88 - Childrens Parade on University Ave Palo Alto.
irst Interstate Bank are putting it  in TV.
both of these events need a bottle of Helium for ballons.
They cost $25.00 a bottle.

The Quest Program is already active in the Palo Alto
schools.  uu

For the above programs Bumper Stickers and  buttons
will cost $130.00    Other costs $75.00   That makes 255.00

Last year we gave 300.00.   Ghan is devoting his life to
fighting drugs  affecting young people.   He is a man one can
only admire.

He spoke to our club at least once.