Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little 
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto  Ca 943O1

Jan 1 l99l

New Year's Day.

One year ago I wrote about my fears and hopes.  Today
conditions appear more ominous but the public seem less

The Rose Parade was a miracle of beauty.  Mechanical marvels
and thousands of handsome people.  Mostly young.  Nothing
that I know of could compare.

The rest of the day, on television was filled with football
games.  Big crowds, much noise, powerful young men in bright
uniforms and helmets participate in organized violence.

In our central cities there is random violence.  It  chills
the spirit.

The destruction of life sustaining resources on our planet is
a grim sort of violence that endangers all forms of life.
Steals from the future.

Another form of violence is ignorance. The battle for
peoples minds might be called THE LONG WAR. At one time ,
knowledge was hard to come by.  However , today, knowledge
is very available, yet so many people remain ignorant even if
they go a long time to school.

The Population War. It is perpetuated by so many centers of
power.   Commercial, religious, national & racial.  Is it
a sign of cruelty or insanity?.

Tomorrow may bring cheerful happenings. .  In the meantime I
am grateful that I am still here and as a human, live high on
the food chain.   I appreciate the various other forms of
life that  make my life possible.  I try to protect our
planet, which we share together.

January 2/9l  The cheerful happening began at Midnight.
A program on channel 9. Television about the life and times
of famous composers.   It began on New Year's day at lO.3O
Pm and continued and continued until l.OO A.M.  I cut in
at midnight . A portrait of cellist of Mstislav
Rostropovich and his wife, soprano Galina Vishnevskaya

I was fascinated. A wonderful way to begin the New Year.

Rostropovich's parents were talented musicians. They showed
a picture of him in his cradle.  His mother played the
piano while his father played the violin.  He said, I
listened to good music  from the beginning.  His parents
conversation may have been the most important part of the
development of this genius.  Quietness with no canned music.
His wife was famous as a soprano. They appeared deeply in

At one time, for good or evil, most children grew up close to
their family.

Jan 9/91 Another example of violense.  A deep one.

At one time it was common to sterilize mentally retarded
girls who were in institutions. Just after World War 2 a
colonel Ingersol wrote a book entitled SOCIAL CREDIT.
a radio preacher in Alberta Canada began quoting from the
book.  The general public loved it. He persuaded others
radio Ministers to take up the cause.

He formed the SOCIAL CREDIT PARTY  and ran for the Alberta
parliament.  Won by a landslide. None of he or his fellow
legislators had ever been in government.   All the had was
honesty, patriotism & common sense. They hired technicians
to help them.

One day he toured an institution that had a lot of young
women in custody. "What are they doing here?" he asked.  .
He was told."If we let them out they might get pregnant."
The Premier replied.  Sterilize them and let them out.  They
did just that.

This caused a big social and political uproar in Canada.
They said that the Premier was crazy.  However, he and his
provided the best government that the Province of Alberta had
ever.   They stopped stealing the money

Presently, in our country, we have freed large numbers of
mental cases from institutions. Sterilizing retarded girls
is a political hot potato.  If they have a child, it will
be adopted out or become part of the homeless population.

Our medical people are keeping alive thousands of very
premature babies that tend to grow up retarded.  Often they
come from inner city groups who follow a poor life style.

The possible long term effect is not bright.