Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

Dec 7/88

Dear Dr. Walker.
I am enclosing a copy of the letter that I
sent to Dr. Flocks. He sent me a report. Also I called him
by phone. I suggested that you hold everything until you
had tried out your new glasses. He thought this a good idea.

The public have an over-simplified concept about removing a
cataract. They say, "He has a cataract. Remove it and
get it overwith.  Like removing a wart."

A better concept is that the eyes are a team. They work
together in a miraculous way. In theory, each eye should
see double, but the eyes reject what they do not want to see.

The eyes are rather delicate.  They sacrifice ruggedness for
clearness.   I am obsessed with eye safety.   In a
supermarket, they sometimes  have things projecting from the
racks at eye level.   When I see this, I warn the management.

I continually talk about the relationship of nutrition and
the health of the eyes. Also about the relationship of
fear, anger and jealousy in eye diseases.  What I call tribal
loneliness was very common among the veterans. This
affects the whole body including the eyes.  When I was at the
V.A. I have talked to hundreds of veterans about this.

Now the NITTY GRITTY.  After cataract surgery, one has a
injured eye.  It is much more susceptible to injury.  There
is no accommodation. The eyes are no longer a team. They
will project different sized images on the retina, especially
when there is a high refractive error. as in  your case.

You would be wise to postpone surgery as long as your good
left eye is functioning adequately. You are a two eyed
person. Your right eye gives you side vision which is
important in driving etc.

Just look on your right eye as money in the bank. If anything
happens to your good left eye, you still  have the option of

It is alright to get a third opinion but in the meantime
study up on it. Talk to people about it. Talk to people
who have had surgery.  Or about the experiences of their
friends or relatives.

Become a knowledgeable person about cataracts. Have a long
term outlook.

You are still taking drops for glaucoma. Your pressure has
been normal for some years. We might consider discontinuing
the drops. I suggest that you discontinue the drops and I can
check the pressure on your Christmas visit Dec 23/88

The word 'physician' original meant teacher, so I have spent
much of my life teaching about health. It is often difficult,
for advice is a form of criticism.  It can be time wasted.
However sometimes the results from my efforts can be
wonderful. This helps to make life more worth living.
That is why, over the years, I have discussed your life style
in  relation to your physical and mental health along
with your eyes.

Humans, appear to be the only creatures that are aware of
death . They feel better if they can identify with something
that lives on after them. Like having children that carry
on the family culture to the next generation.  Hopefully,
their minds have not been swamped with television and other
unnatural noise.

In my case, I have no children, so I get a sense of
immortality by trying to plant some of the ancient wisdom
into the minds of receptive people especially bright young
people who will live on long after I am gone.

In your case, just make a decision , based on the best
knowledge available+.  Nothing grim about it.   You are
actually doing very well.

With my best wishes.

Robert Little.