Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little - April 3/90
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto Ca 94301-3395 

Dear Dan:

 HOW ARE YOU?  for myself. I am less than happy.
Various reasons.   When you took out a couple of roots. you
accidently caused the loss of a sound premolar.    That led
to a partial bridge which has taken much of the joy out of
eating.  Eating is one of the chief joys of my old age.
I wear it for appearances.

2. I believe that our Lions Club is following a destructive

3. So many of the professional classes appear so happy about
their portfolios and various methods of avoiding taxes.

4. Presently we have no effective government.    Just the
power of the masses.  The media people are drunk with power.

5. We are approaching a time of food riots and possible chaos
Most of the people, rich and poor, do not seem interested.

6. At my age, why should I worry.   I have lived my life.
   Your group are the ones who should worry more.

Well Dan, this a dismal letter.   I am still alive.   I eat
good.. I make the most of small joys.    My doctor tells me
that I am going to Kick the bucket some day anyway.

I still have some optimism.   The troubles here and elsewhere
are mainly manmade, (I should say people made.) The women
appear to be running things anyway.

7. You have brains and talent, so I know that you are worried
too.  So keep struggling.   Now to the Lions club.

I enclose a check for 300.00

With admiration and friendship.
