Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Soil Association
86 Colston Street
Bristol  BSI  5BB    England

Dear Friends:

Attention Nigel Dudley    Director

Delighted to receive your letter sent in November l99O.
I have been a protector of wildlife since childhood.   I
consider  myself part of wildlife. (I inclose an article
about this)

This part of California has been destructive to wildlife
including people.  The people that I meet do not appear to
have much interest.   I have written a number of articles
about it.  Hope to publish a book. Right now I want to
join in the great  plans that you have for saving wildlife &
people in England.  It's the same world battle.

Two years ago I had a plan to encourage conservation    I was
president of the local Lions club.  That year the club made
a profit of $3O,OOO. dollars, on our annual Antique Auto

We called it CONCOURS'd Elegance -  $4,OOO.OO was set aside
for me to spend.

My idea was to give prizes to individuals or groups who grew
better food or helped those did.   Reward young people who
helped  farmers.  Reward people who had good gardens.
I enclose an outline of my plan.