Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Dec 27 l990

Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

Dear Elizabeth:

Enjoyed your visit. Look forward to seeing
you again soon.

For many years I have been concerned about your situation in
Hudson.  You did not get a fair deal.

However, you have what I call the gift.  That means
that you have above average intelligence, have quick
reflexes, a mathematical mind and have intensity.  Part of
the gift is that you have about 2O years longer life span
than the average.

People with the gift are not always popular.   They are
subject to jealousy.   What to do about the gift?

I would learn to speak and write German fluently.  I would
study German history and geography.   I will help with the
financing in this way.

Get ENGLISH-GERMAN language tapes.   If available, take a
German language course.  There may be German language clubs.
You may find others interested.  Have a meal together once a
week or so.  Speak only German.  Buy bread etc. at a German
bakery.  If possible, eat at a German Restaurant.  If you
take a course, they will recommend certain books.  You may
find books in the library about Germany.

You might find a German singing club.   You should know some
German songs.   Also some German poetry.

At home at mealtime, learn the German names of everything
associated with the meal.  Type out the names and you and
Seth both could learn.  You could have one or more guests
to enjoy the German.

I will be happy to pay for everything including the
entertaining and extra meals.

It could add a lot of fun to you life at Davis.

Eventually you might be able to correspond with people in
Germany doing your kind of research.  Write for copies of
their papers.

Get the names of your mothers relatives here or anywhere.
Write to them and possibly visit.  I will support you in this

If you get a chance to visit Germany I will help with that.
The college might give you leave to extend your research to
None of this will happen unless you have a fire in you belly.
You will need a fierce desire to make the most of the gift.
You owe it to your ancestors.   It is not a matter of making
more money.    It is a feeling of worthiness by having
personal skills that are yours.    No politician can take
them away.

You look like your mother.  She was a wonderful person.

You can continue at Davis but I am hopeful that my
suggestions could make you happier there.   Please survey the
situation and let me know your thoughts on it.  It should be
good for Seth also.

Why should I do this.   Because I have always loved you since
I saw you in Red dress looking up at the window as I took
your picture.

You are free to do as you choose but I hope I can extend your
sense of freedom.    It will add to my happiness.

With love and admiration