Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July l9/89

Lions Eye Foundation
of California-Nevada, Inc.
2340 Clay Street, San Francisco, California 94115

Dear Sirs:

Re Ron Lovett - Age 39
ll25 Runnymede - Phone (415)328-6362
East Palo Alto. California 94303

Mr. Lovett had an unfortunate home life.   His parents were
very unhappy and were non-cooperative to each other. Fought a
lot.    According to the history, the father took out his
frustrations by hitting his son over the head.     This led
to damaged vision.

In spite  of his poor vision, Ron supported himself and saved
money by repairing g Volvo cars.    Finally he became
functionally blind.    He could not read even with a

I saw him first on April 6 /l989
His corrected vision was:

    Right eye.  20/l600
    Left  eye:  20/400
    Intraocular pressure RE l7   LE l7

His right retina had numerous clumps of pigment and scarring.
He has posterior subcapsuler cataracts in both eyes.  This is
more advanced in the left eye.    His left retina is also
damaged but this is obscured by the cataract.  There are much
fewer clumps of pigment on the left.

When I dilated his eyes he was delighted with the improvement
in vision in his left eye.    He could see around the central
cataract.  The eye findings suggest Retinitis Pigmentosa.

I provided him with eye drops Homatropine 0.5% to mildly
dilate his pupils.

He was destitute and badly nourished.  My first idea was
to find some financial help, so that he could eat better.
Ms. Rhonda Press of the Peninsula Blind Center at 4151
Middlefield Road Palo Alto 94303 was very helpful.
However, he would not apply for welfare.

I finally persuaded him to apply to t he Medical Center at
24l5 University Ave.  East Palo Alto 94303.      Ms. Michele
Wohl, a Social Worker, is interested and will drive him to
San Francisco for an appointment with your organization.

I consider MR. Lovett a fine person and very intelligent.
He has a horror of going on welfare and wants to pay later
for any help he receives.

He first needs a work- up to evaluate the state of the retina
in each eye and possible treatment.
His cataracts need to be studied for possible surgery.