Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Monday Jan 14/91

Stanford University Hospital
Patient Financial Services
268O Hanover Street
Palo Alto   Ca 943O4

Dear People;

I have three letters, from you, post dated Jan
2/91, addressed to Mr. L. Alfred Jones. He has never gotten
his mail here, he has a mail box at the California Ave post

A few years ago, he requested that I allow him to leave his
van overnight, in my parking area. He would sleep in the
van at night and park it on the streets in the daytime. This
was supposed to be very temporary.

He would use the telephone in my garage.  Every day he used
the rest room in the house.  One day he began filling up
any vacant space in the garage.with his personal effects
He cramed it in and had a large pile under tarpaulins in the
yard. The situation was ridiculous

It was very disturbing. His nutritional habits were poor.
I supplemented his diet. However, I felt that he was
heading for some sort of breakdown.  He obtained a couple of
jobs but was laid off after a few months.

I repeatedly said to him, "You have three sons working. Why
not live with one of them?" He tried this for a few weeks.

He told me that he could not leave until the van was fixed.
He also needed a license and insurance. Also, he had lost
the key. Needed new tires etc. It cost me about $8OO.OO to
get the van in shape.

I finally offered him $1OO.OO a month.  Just clear up the
garage and go awa.  My health was being affected.  However,
he apparently preferred living in the van rather than living
with relatives (He was born in Palo Alto)

Cameron, his oldest son, works for Inovative Engineering.
His home address is 4857 Lago Vista Circle. Telephone
(4O8) 296-96O5.  

Al Jones was a likable person but as his oldest son said, "He
lives in a dream world." Al claimed that he was worth $lOO.OO
an hour.  He was clever in many ways but no business man.
I hope that he recovers. and finds some happiness.
