Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


The farmlands of California ae being damaged. Too much flood
irrigation.  Too much pesticide.  The quality fruit and
vegetables we produce has greatly deteriorated.

The  slave owner attitufde may be just as destructive as
slavery itself. In the meantime the land suffers.  We
will all suffer.

      ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Later Thoughts.

 When  I passed up the coffee recently at a
luncheon,the friend next to me  remarked.  "There are so many
things that you do not eat, that life can hardly be worth
living."  Besides what  I have mentioned already I
avoid things like Hot dogs and sausages of any kind.  Seldom
bacan. It has too much fat and sodium Nitrite.
I occasionally buy some ice cream or Sara Lee coffee cake.
I sin a little on the sweet stuff but I fight it like many
other people.

My attitude is that there is more to life than junk food.
Coffee is just another drug that I don't need. It stimulates
people who may already be overstimulated.  I have persu++d
many people to give it up. They have been helped.

If I stop driving. I would consider drinking wine but the
wine companies use too many chemicals in making the stuff.

In the supermarts, the healthier looking people