Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


March  l/9O

Dear Darelle,

Thank you for your fine letter and to know that
you are glad to be part of my village.     I
like your name.
You were fortunate in starting life with such a good one.

Modern transportation and communication has broken up the old fashioned village but in our nature we are still village
people. I tell people to live in such a way that they would
be accepted in a fine village. This can help their self
esteem. For many years I have called it A SENSE OF
WORTHINESS.  It can help in defending ourselves against
the  Voice of the Enemy, which could describe much of what
comes over T.V.  Even if we do not listen to the
misinformation or garbage, other people listen.   It can make
them dull people. This can affect all of us.

I have told hundreds of people to fill their memory banks
with nice people.  Helps keep out the garbage. So you fill
an important niche in my memory bank.

Wishing you long life, good health, happy happenings and the joy of warm friendships.


I am working on a book.   I have an office in the front of my
home.  I still see a few old patients.   I practice Ophthalmology but my main interest is prevention.  That is
what I am writing about.       R.L.