Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Bruce Herschensohn
Candidate for U.S. Senator.

Dear Sir

I am happy to enclose my donation or $5O.OO to your
great cause. I agree with you that if the LIBERALS win,
our great country could develop chaos.

Possibly, chaos is already here.  We ,conservatives are in
a trap.  Real solutions are rejected by various vested
interests.  They offer a simple solution, like rob the rich
and give it to the poor.

An opportunity may be opening for  patriotic conservatives.
There is fear and uncertainty among  a growing  number of
people.  They have never been offered a real plan for
National  or world survival.  Now they might listen.

You might offer a plan based on reality.   I am working on
a book with such a plan.  I will mail you a sample of my
work.   You might use some of my ideas.  They expose many
white elephants.

Like you , I am concerned with a breakdown in society.

Yours hopefully.