Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

Dear Henry:

I enjoyed our talk.  Your partner appears to be a
winner and a decent person. You are also a winner.  Both of
you apparently are escaping the petty jealousy, so common
with small minds.  Gropius, the famous German architect, said
that in his profession, the group must achieve UNITY AMID
DIVERSITY.  I like that phrase. I think of it often.

The Fax machine appeals to me.  I understand that FAX clubs
are becoming common over here.   I will enquire

I enjoyed the WIMBLEDON TENNIS. One of the winners today,
wore a cap. Smart idea.  Mad dogs and Englishmen go bare
headed in the noon-day sun.

At one time, children age six or older were considered to be
part of the plan for survival of the family and village etc.
As they grew older they could attain skills and absorb the
best of the cultural values of their village or social group.
Eventually, they might become village leaders or counselors
who could add to the stability of the village.

It is disturbing, that so many people act like a faction.
They fuss about their pensions.  The politicians appear
afraid of the voting power of this big organized faction
So many of us appear to grow older without gaining the
wisdom of age. If our social system breaks down into
warring factions, there will be no future for any of us,
young or old

Today, there are few village counselors and practically no
real villages.   Just TELEVISION, with millions of voices
and hundreds of billions of dollars, trying  to dominate the
minds of the young and all of us.

No wonder there are so many disturbed and unhappy people.
Many people, are committing what I call respectable suicide.
So strive to protect your memory bank.  Try to keep out the
garbage.  Avoid people or programs that spew out
destructive garbage.

It is now l0.50 PM.  I started out in such a cheerful
manner and look what happened.  I am tired, so I will stop
The planet keeps turning and a new day will arrive.

May all of you maintain a healthy life style without becoming
grim.  Gotta have a little fun.

Best of everything