Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

Feb l2/92

Dear Henry:

Ross Perkins was hear tonight.   He brought a lady
friend who an expert.    She and Ross are planning to
activate the floppy discs and transfer the computer memory to
the floppies.     This is a routine procedure with serious
computer people.

I wrote you a letter Nov 29/89. I changed it a bit.  I
mentioned Billie Sunday who told his audience that he took a
vigorous walk t 6.00 A.M.   The came back in the house and
felt Rosy allover.  The audience was interested.   One of
them called out. "Tell us more about Rosy.  I use the word
Rosy in the letter.

Wishing all of you good health and good spirits on your visit

Love to you and Leila. Helena and William