Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


July l4/92

Therese Southgate M.D.
Cover Editor
The Journal of The American Medical Association
535 North Dearborn St.  Chicago Il 606l0.

I love your write-ups about the covers on the Journal.
I value  the  Journals but what you write is usually very
precious.    I save the covers.   I tell people about them.

The July l9/93 cover was by Jean-Francois Millet (l8l4-
l875).You tell us he was from a peasant family from Normandy
then living and painting then living and painting amid the
boulders of Fontainebleau.    He was born into a peasant
family in Cruchy. a small village near Cherbourg.   A
precocious child.  He soon became a very learned person.

 l. He is what I call a big adrenal person.
2. The late Hans Selye of Montreal Quebec said that the
Norwegian people had the biggest adrenal glands.   Normandy
was settled by Vikings

3.Young Americans are not doing much of the farm work.  Small
farmers are decreasing.    Pesticides are killing people.
The food is losing its flavor.

4.  The churches are not conservationists.

5. The lawyers have great influence in Washington.  Not

6.The doctors, to become a big specialist must spend so much
time on technical that they have no time to become educated