Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


Robert H. Little
935 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto California 9430l-3395

Aug 3/92


THE BALANCE OF NATURE.    All living things appear to be part
of something that goes on living with much symbiosis.
Homo Sapiens must have been in some sort of harmony with
nature and finally what was called , the conquest of nature.


1.  Collectively people are making the planet less
livable by damaging the quantity and quality of our foods.

2.  The young are not encouraged to help with the menial work
of sustaining the land.

3.  We Are group mammals.   Mahatma Gandhi repeatedly stated.
( India is a nation of villages.   If the villages are
destroyed, India is destroyed.)

4.   Discrimination;  Is part of nature.  Part of culture.