Robert Little's Writings beginning ---  ending


The Wilhites
131 Buckshaw Lane
West Point Ca 95255

Dear Van & Kathy;

 Delighted to receive the letter.    I got
the feeling of concern that  you have for h fact that the
big companies grab more and more power.    It is the
people like you and Kathy with brains and skills that create
small enterprises, raise fine children, make good neighbors
and where ever they are, add to the community.

Times appear to be difficult everywhere.   Certain elements
appear anxious to destroy lovely communities , where ever
they find one.

In the long run , I feel that you and your family and loved
ones will come out ok. Battered a little, maybe.

I will be thinking of you and sending you my best thoughts.
I include my love to all of you.

Robert Little

I may include some items that I wrote.